Disclaimers Page

I will go into more detail eventually, but here are the basics for now:


While I hold memberships in several of the organizations listed on this site, and support others in different ways, neither I nor this website is officially affiliated with any of the websites or organizations listed here. I receive no monetary or other compensation for listing any of these websites; this is a totally voluntary project on my part.


By listing a website or organization in any of the lists on this site, I do not necessarily endorse or agree with the contents, methods, or goals of that site. Nor does any site listed necessarily agree with or endorse the contents, methods, and goals of this website, nor of any other website/organization listed.


I have no control whatsoever over the content of any website listed [unless specifically noted], and cannot guarantee that they will be free from doctrinal error, offensive or obscene material, viruses and other malicious programs, etc. I will do my best not to knowingly link to sites that contain such material [with the exception of doctrinal error], but I make no guarantee in that regard.


Some of the websites listed are not necessarily appropriate for young children. This website is currently geared primarily toward adults and youth old enough to think for themselves and understand what is being said. As with any website, parents should be aware of what their children are doing and where they are going on the Internet.


In general, I am listing these sites to help you locate answers to the questions you have and to provide resources for further research. I do not agree with everything each site says; in fact I strongly disagree with some things. But I list them because on other subjects they provide excellent material for countering error and/or defending truth. I will not necessarily provide "equal time" to the numerous different views on the important issues out there, though I will try to be fair, if possible. I hope to eventually spell out, whether in one place or on an issue by issue basis, what my position is on the various issues; this is, after all, "my" site. :) Nevertheless, I leave it up to you to study the Bible and compare what you read on this website and on the websites listed to the ultimate authority, God's Word. That is, after all, what this website is about: to help you in your study of the Bible. Sometimes it takes strong challenges from differing viewpoints to help establish your own. I have no doubt that you will find that here.

Future Plans

For right now, I am only including websites that to my knowledge hold to an orthodox view of Christianity and the teachings of the Bible, at least in the essentials. I hope to eventually include pseudo-Christian, non-Christian, and anti-Christian websites as well, to aid in research against false doctrine, cults, atheism, evolution, etc. When I do so, I will make known in some way what type of website is listed, whether through icons or tags or some other means. Also, I hope to have the detailed profiles page completed by then. The Profiles page will contain more detailed information on each website to give you a better idea what you will be looking at.